Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day Fifteen Monday 26/6/06

Day Fifteen Monday 26/6/06

Today I spent the morning at the Blomefiled School with my supervising therapist. This school is for people that have a disability. There are people from the ages of 5 to 21 who go to the school but after the age of 21 they graduate and they are moved off into care in the community so that they can start working and start to socialize. First off the occupational therapist gave me a tour around the facilities and she explained what she does and disscussed some of the students that we will see during the day. About 9.30am we travelled to the special needs block of another school and there we worked with two different classes, the first one had about 7 children in it with their needs ranging from downs syndrome to learning and behavioral problems these kids were all in the younger age group. The second class that we visited we did baking with, this was to encourage fine motor skills. This class was four teenagers that also had a range of disabilities they completed the task well. After the school visit we took room 3 out on a walk down to Palmers gardening shop and café. Here we just walked around pushing the kids in their wheelchairs and felt things like the water and the plants. We were concentrating on the sensory systems of the kids. Then we returned back to the school after a coffee at the café. It was then time to go back to the hospital where I arrived back to see that one of my patients had died at lunch time. This was a bit of a shock as he seemed alright and was sitting up and talking to me when I last saw him. He had been in for a AAA. I watched as his body was taken away and Maori liaison then went in and blessed the room so that his spirit would be taken away with the body and no other spirits would remain in the hospital room.