This was a placement that was a bit different from the others. For this placement we were given a project that a service had identified as a need that they wanted us to develop and present. I was working for three weeks with Immigrants and refugees that were new to Dunedin and struggled to use the bus services in Dunedin. I was paired up with another member of my class and from there we had meetings with the agency to develop ideas around the need that was being met. We decided that we were going to present to the service a teaching resource that would have a pamphlet of easy step by step directions to using a bus, a DVD that also gave a step by step visual and audio presentation of how to use a bus from start to finish, and finally we presented them with a teachers resource which was a more indepth look at how to teach the students how to use a bus in Dunedin. To do this we had to do a lot of researching and also did three bus activity analysis so that we could look at this and make it as easy as possible for the immigrants and refugees to follow. We completed this and presented this to the agency, of which they were very pleased with and appreciated all of the hard work. Skills i have developed from this placement were, collaboration and conciliation with others, communication skills, public speaking, prioritising, job sharing and learning to compromise with your partner.