Day Three Thursday 8/6/06
Today was a big learning day as I found out how the families can interfere with the assessments that you are trying to conduct on the client. It is important that you tell the family what your job is and it is extremely important to know when to draw the line and not get into the politics that have nothing to do with you. It is important to do what you are there to do and assure the family that you are there to help the client and do your job. We kept working on the client from the day before, she had retained some of the information that we were trying to get through on hip precautions but we still didn’t feel confident for her to go home just yet so we preformed a cognitive assessment on her. The results that we got from this were concerning to us as they were quite low. Latter that afternoon she was issued with some equipment and was D/C and we will go and do a home visit tomorrow to see how she is going and to take some more equipment to her house for her aid. We also went on a home visit where we just singed some papers so that the client could swap the equipment that she had from s/term lone to l/term lone. On the way home from there we also stopped off and had a look around the hospice and a special school. I will spend some of my placement time there.