Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day one:

Day One:

Today was my first day at a residential home and hospital. This place is an amazing place. The staff there are so close to the clients and everyone in there seems to get along. I was given a tour of the home and hospital and along the way meet the residents that lived there. The Home part of the establishment is where all the residents with some kind of independence live. The hospital side of it is very high needs and there is a range of illnesses and disabilities from stroke to multiple sclerosis (MS). I meet a man today who is one of my patients to look after while I am there, he is a 53 year old male and he suffers from MS. He is not enjoying living in the hospital and wants to get out for daily trips. This man is blind and also quite deaf so this will be a challenge for me. The other three residents on my case list are two patients that have had strokes and one with dementia. My hours are 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.